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Tuesday 5 January 2010

F1 2010 Rule Changes

Refuelling - This change to the sporting regulations is most striking from above as the fuel tank will be wider and longer and hence the race car wheel base will be approx. 15cm longer.

Fuel Capacity - This no refuelling change will increase the fuel tank capacity to at least 235 litres compared to the 120 litre capacity in 09.

Wheel Covers - A further change for 2010 is the banning of the recent new style wheel cover's due to the anticipated speed of the tyre changes without refuelling. 4 seconds, yes 4 seconds appears to be the estimated time for pit stops in the 2010 season.

Front Tyres - The new for 2010 narrower front tyres will make the new generation cars look completely different from the front coupled with wider rear bodywork to make room for the larger fuel tank.

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